Create-a-Sustainable-Fitness-Habit-Class-A-FitnessWhen it comes to building a long-term fitness habit, what can you do to increase your chances of success? Here are seven tips to help you create a sustainable fitness habit:

1. Set a Realistic Starting Point.

When you’re on your way to creating a fitness habit, it’s easy to get carried away. You may plan to work out every single day for the next week or even the next month. But if this means you’ll be going from zero workouts to working out every day, then you might be setting unrealistic expectations. Rather than taking on more than your body is ready for, start with less. Be realistic with your starting point, and you’re more likely to stick with your routine. You can always add more workouts with time.

2. Understand Your Why.

Take some time to think about why a long-term fitness habit is important. Why do you want to get out of bed before the sun comes up? Why do you want to spend your lunch hour at the gym? Understanding your why can help you maintain your motivation to build a fitness habit. On the days you’re tempted to skip a workout, remember why it’s worth it to show up.

3. Create Specific Goals.

Fitness can mean something different to different people. As you’re building your fitness habit, create specific goals around what it means to you to be fit. A goal like “be fit” is too vague. Define what fitness looks like to you, and then set a specific goal that aligns with that definition.

4. Set Short-Term Tasks.

Once you have your specific goal, then you also have something concrete to work toward. However, if it will take you a few months to accomplish your goal, then it might be hard to maintain your momentum. It’s helpful to set short-term tasks that support your long-term goal. These short-term tasks are like mini checkpoints that you can use to stay on track with building your fitness habit.

5. Keep a Workout Journal.

When you keep a workout journal, you have a great place to write down your goals and track your progress. Writing down your workouts in a journal gives you a visual record of what you’ve accomplished. On the days that you feel like you’re stuck or you’ve hit a plateau, you can look back on how far you’ve come from where you started.

6. Expect Setbacks.

Expecting setbacks may sound like a negative approach. But setbacks tend to catch us off guard. Some obstacles you can control for, but there are other obstacles that you can’t predict or prevent from happening. However, if you have a plan for how you’ll handle a setback, like an unexpected work trip, then you’ll know the best way to get back on track.

7. Find a Workout You Enjoy.

When you participate in activities that you enjoy, you’re more likely to continue doing them. If you don’t like your current workout routine, you probably won’t be able to sustain it. On the other hand, when you find a workout you enjoy, then it’s more likely that you’ll turn that routine into a sustainable habit.

At Class A Fitness in Greendale, we believe that the first step is the most important one. And we’d love to help you build a sustainable fitness habit.

Do you want to learn more about our programs and how to get started? Contact us today.