Habits-for-a-Healthier-Workday-Class-A-FitnessBesides a regular workout routine, what are some other habits you can adopt for a healthy lifestyle? How about your workday habits?

Most of us spend about eight hours of our day at a desk. So what can you do with this chunk of time to improve your health?

Here are a few habits to promote a healthier workday:

1. Stand Up.

If you’re at a desk for most of the day, one of the best things you can do for your body is to take plenty of breaks and stand up throughout the day. Sitting in a chair for the majority of your workday is hard on your body; it’s also hard on your mind. If you have a standing desk, that’s great! But it’s still a good idea to walk around regularly during the day.

2. Work Out at Lunch.

If you have a hard time working out before work or at the end of your workday, your lunch hour could be a great time to fit in a workout. Even thirty minutes at lunch for a quick workout has plenty of benefits.

3. Drink Plenty of Water.

Drinking plenty of water during the day keeps your body functioning. And it’s also an excellent way to make sure that you’re standing up and walking around. Keep a water bottle at your desk and refill it often. You’ll get some movement in when you need a refill, and staying hydrated will help keep you mentally alert and feeling good.

4. Walk Between (or during) Meetings.

A quick break is a great way to clear your mind while stepping away from your desk. If possible, head outside for a walk break between meetings. Or, if you can, turn your smaller meetings into walking meetings. You’ll get a few more steps in during the day while enjoying a few minutes outside.

At Class A Fitness in Greendale, we offer a variety of programs to support a healthy lifestyle. Contact us to learn more about what we have to offer.