Shift-Your-Focus-Energy-and-Perspective-Class-A-FitnessWhen you let your mind do what it wants, it can go to some pretty crazy places. In these moments, remember that you are in control of your mind and what you think about.

If you find yourself starting to feel stressed, fearful, anxious, or overwhelmed, treat this as a sign to change your environment. Avoid or limit sources of anxiety, like the news or your social media feeds. Find your way out of that negative headspace and do something to shift your attention in a more positive direction.

Taking care of yourself is important; try and find activities that can help you manage the uncertainty. Here are five ways to shift your focus, energy, and perspective:

1. Meditate, pray, and practice gratitude.

Take a few moments to sit and breathe. Count your breaths, say a prayer, or think of someone or something that you’re grateful for.

2. Exercise.

Sometimes the best way to move or shift your mindset is by moving your body. Exercise has so many health benefits, including reducing stress. Each time you workout, your body releases endorphins that have a positive effect on your mood. Take some time to focus on your body and not your thoughts.

3. Listen to music.

Music is another excellent way to redirect your attention. If you have some time, put together a few different playlists. Pick a theme for each playlist and then compile a list of your favorite songs. As your mind and mood shifts, choose a new playlist to help you keep things in perspective.

4. Get some fresh air.

If you’re feeling stuck, go outside and get some fresh air. Even a short walk down the block can help you clear your mind, re-center, and refocus your energy on something more positive.

5. Read.

Give your brain something to think about or get lost in the pages of a book. Reading a book can be a great way to use your mental energy without feeling stressed or anxious.

To learn more about Class A Fitness in Greendale, contact us today.