Transition-Back-to-the-Gym-after-Time-Away-Class-A-FitnessDespite your best efforts to stick to a consistent workout routine, unexpected events can keep you from getting to the gym. It could be anything – life events, illness or injury, world events, or a change in your career.

No matter what caused you to take some time away from the gym, it can be exciting when you’re ready to go back. And here are a few tips on how to transition back to the gym:

1. Give your body some time.

When you’re ready to return to the gym, you might have to make an extra effort to curb your enthusiasm. Your body will need some time to get back into a routine of gym workouts. So be patient with yourself and gradually ramp up your workout intensity. You might be sore after the first few workouts, so make sure you’re getting plenty of rest and recovery in between classes.

2. Set new fitness goals.

If you set fitness goals before taking a break from the gym, now is a good time to revisit them. If you find that you’re no longer excited to pursue those goals, then set new ones. Think about a fitness goal that you’re eager to pursue at this time in your life, and then make sure it’s clearly defined and measurable. Also, develop a timeline for how you plan on achieving your goal so that you have a future deadline to work toward.

3. Strive for consistency.

As you’re getting back into a workout routine, you might be tempted to throw your excitement into working out every day and doing only high-intensity workouts. Rather than doing too many workouts too soon, or maxing out on high-intensity every chance you get, strive for consistency. Start with establishing a solid routine and then start to add more intensity over time.

4. Manage your expectations.

It’s easy to want to pick up right where you left off. But depending on how long your break has been, jumping right back in may not be realistic. Rather than ending up frustrated or disappointed about what you can or can’t do at this time, manage your expectations. Understand that your body changes over time. But with hard work and commitment, you can get back to where you want to be.

To learn more about the programs we’re currently offering at Class A Fitness in Glendale, contact us today.