Be-Kind-to-Yourself-Class-A-FitnessWe know that it’s important to be kind to other people. But how often do you think about the importance of showing kindness to yourself? The idea of being kind to yourself might seem a little silly or awkward, but it’s just as important.

If you’re not sure what showing kindness to yourself would look like, here are a few simple ways to be kind to yourself:

1. Take care of your body.

You know better than anyone what your body needs. But good ideas are plenty of sleep, movement, water, and nutritious food to fuel your day.

2. Believe in yourself.

If you happen to catch yourself saying something judgmental or critical about who you are and what you can do, acknowledge that you’re aware of those thoughts. And then reframe them into something that demonstrates that you believe in yourself.

3. Find healthy ways to manage stress.

There are many ways to manage stress – some methods are more productive than others. Healthy ways to get some relief include working out, going for a walk, sitting outside, taking a few minutes to breathe, chatting with a friend, or journaling for a few minutes.

4. Show yourself some appreciation.

Be kind to yourself by believing in what you can do and showing yourself some appreciation. Be grateful for what your body can do.

5. Let something go.

Sometimes the thing you need most to show kindness to yourself is to practice letting something go. Let go of negative thoughts, the need to be perfect, or even the desire to cross off every single item on your ever-growing to-do list.

6. If you need something, ask for it.

You can demonstrate kindness to yourself by asking for what you need. If you need a hug, ask. If you need some extra support, let a friend know.

You might do some of these things already, and that’s great! Start to recognize these small acts as being kind to yourself, your body, and your mind.

Class A Fitness in Greendale is where fun and fitness come together. To learn more about the classes we’re currently offering, contact us today.