Overcome-a-Fear-of-Fitness-Class-A-FitnessHave you been thinking about joining a gym? If so, what’s holding you back? If the thought of stepping foot in a new gym makes you anxious, you’re definitely not alone. For some people, it’s a fear of the unknown. For others, it’s a fear of making a mistake or anxiety over being judged.

If you have personal fitness goals that you’re ready to tackle but joining a gym makes you feel intimidated, here are a few ideas on how to overcome your fear of fitness:

1. Start with a tour.

A lot of your anxiety around working out at a new place might come from a fear of the unknown. When you’re not sure what to expect, then it’s easy to imagine worst-case scenarios. Your imagination paints a picture of extremely fit people who seem unfriendly or can’t be bothered with newcomers.

One way to reduce anxiety is to stop by the gym to meet the staff and get a tour of the facility. Getting familiar with a new gym gives you an idea of what to expect and what the community is like. Rather than the unwelcoming environment your mind imagined, you’ll likely find a friendly, welcoming group of people made up of all ages and fitness levels.

2. Manage your expectations.

It’s hard to be a beginner sometimes. When you’re new to something, chances are pretty high that you’re going to make mistakes. You won’t be the “best” or most fit person in the room. There is no such thing as perfection – only progress.

Rather than setting the bar so high that you must perform perfectly, manage your expectations. Enjoy being a beginner and give yourself some room to set some fitness goals that are both challenging and realistic.

3. Focus on self-improvement.

It’s not uncommon for most of the fear and pressure around joining a gym to come from within. You hear a little voice inside your head that wants to compare what you can or can’t do with everyone else in the room.

One of the most effective ways to silence that critical inner voice is to shift your focus so that you’re concentrating only on your personal goals and self-improvement. With the right mindset, all the learning that goes along with joining a gym can make the whole experience more fun and yield positive results.

Class A Fitness in Greendale is where FUN and FITness come together. Are you interested in learning more about our programs and classes? We’d love for you to see what we have to offer. Contact us to find out more about how to get started.